Scroll Tuning Page....
(Modified 5/2021)
...Now that the violin scroll is mostly carved, we turn our attention to the final shape of the scroll. You do this step prior to varnish of couse. The varnish will not effect the tap tone tuning; either here or on other parts fo the violin.
...When we tap the scroll shapes perpendicular from the top, bottom, front or back; and from the side, we want this tap tone to be (227 1/2) HZ. Following all the turns of the scroll up to the center terminis. See photo A below:
...When we tap the side surfaces of the scroll, we want the tap tone to also be (2271/2) HZ; See photo B below:
... When we lower one, the other raises in the same area; and visa versa.
...When properly tuned, both these conditions exist at the same time!
...This will also help with the beauty and brilliance of the tones played in a MAJOR way.

... I want to express my thanks to Pierre Lieba for his work on scroll tuning and his encouragement that it is an important area to tap tune.
Photo A.
..tune all these scroll Tap Tones to (227 1/2) HZ. . If too low, take material from the side surface below tap. If too high, remove a slight amount from the outside edge or deepen the channel nearby.
..The Tap Tones of the underside of the Peg Box are shown. They are all 213 HZ .The tap tone all round the heel area (from below) is also evenly 213 HZ.
Photo B.
..Tune all these side tap areas to 227 1/2 HZ (same as the vertical tap tones ). Should be even tap tones all over the side surfaces: scrape down any high toned area.
....If too high, remove material from high areas until tap tone equals 227 1/2 HZ.
..If too low, remove material from immediate outside edge to raise tap tone to match.
..When these side taps are 227 1/2 HZ evenly , the vertical tap tones of the scroll area will also be( 227 1/2) HZ all around ...
Ideal Tap Tone for the Scroll, both from the top/ bottom and from the sides: (227 1/2) HZ
Ideal 'under the peg box' Tap Tones vary smoothly from 252HZ at heal to 213 HZ at bottom of scroll as illustrated.
252 HZ
At Heel
(227 1/2) HZ
>>> CLICK HERE <<< To see discussion of Neck Base Tuning
Ideal Tap Tone for the Scroll, both from the top/ bottom and from the sides: (227 1/2) HZ
247 HZ